Should you help evil people as Christian or not?

Should you help evil people as Christian or not?

As a Christian, navigating the complexities of moral dilemmas and ethical decisions is an essential aspect of living out our faith. One such challenging question arises when faced with the decision of whether to help evil people. How should Christians approach this dilemma? In this message, we will delve into the biblical perspective on this matter, examining key teachings and principles that can guide our actions. By exploring the nature of evil, understanding the call to love our enemies, and discerning the boundaries of assistance, we can gain insights into whether or not we should help evil people as Christians.

Understanding the Nature of Evil
Before addressing the question at hand, it is crucial to develop a clear understanding of what we mean by “evil people.” Evil can manifest itself in various ways, ranging from individuals who actively engage in heinous acts to those who perpetuate systemic injustice or harbor harmful intentions. It is important to recognize that evil originates from the fallen nature of humanity and the presence of sin in the world. The Bible teaches that all have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory (Romans 3:23). However, it also emphasizes the potential for redemption and transformation through faith in Christ.

The Call to Love Our Enemies
Central to the Christian faith is the commandment to love one another, including our enemies. Jesus exemplified this teaching when He said, “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you” (Matthew 5:44). The concept of loving our enemies can be challenging, particularly when faced with individuals who commit evil acts or promote harmful ideologies. However, Jesus’ teachings emphasize that love should transcend personal biases and extend to all people.

By helping those labeled as “evil,” we have an opportunity to demonstrate God’s transformative power. When we extend kindness, compassion, and understanding to individuals who perpetrate evil, we create space for the potential redemption and salvation. Our actions can serve as a witness to God’s unconditional love and forgiveness, potentially leading to a change of heart and a turn away from evil.

Discerning Boundaries of Assistance
While the call to love our enemies is clear, it is crucial to discern the boundaries of assistance we provide to individuals involved in evil acts. While Christians are called to help those in need and demonstrate love, we must exercise wisdom and discernment. The Bible advises us to be “wise as serpents and innocent as doves” (Matthew 10:16), implying the importance of discernment in our interactions with others.
In situations involving evil people, it is necessary to assess the potential risks and consequences associated with our assistance. Our primary concern should be to ensure that our actions do not enable or contribute to the continuation of evil. This means exercising caution and taking appropriate measures to prevent harm while still extending love and compassion.

Balancing Justice and Mercy
Another essential aspect of addressing the question of helping evil people is balancing justice and mercy. While the Bible teaches us to extend forgiveness and demonstrate mercy, it also upholds the principles of justice and accountability. As Christians, we should seek to confront and oppose evil, working towards the restoration and healing of individuals and communities.
Helping evil people should not imply turning a blind eye to their actions or endorsing their behavior. Instead, it should involve a commitment to pursuing justice and seeking opportunities for transformation. This may involve holding individuals accountable for their actions, advocating for appropriate consequences, and actively working towards reconciliation and rehabilitation.

The question of whether to help evil people as a Christian is complex and multifaceted. It requires a nuanced understanding of biblical teachings and a discerning approach. While Christians are called to love their enemies and extend compassion, we must also balance justice, accountability, and the prevention of harm. By seeking wisdom, relying on God’s guidance, and acting in alignment with His principles, we can navigate these challenging situations with grace and integrity. Ultimately, our goal should be to reflect God’s love, pursue justice, and provide opportunities for transformation and redemption.
